You can save money when buying produce if you purchase it when it’s in season. Your food will taste delicious and cost less!
One way to determine which foods are in season is to check your grocery circular. The fruits and vegetables shown on the front page are the ones usually in season and on sale.
Another way to save money when buying produce is to purchase locally from a farmer’s market, farm stand, or local farm.
The following fruits and vegetables are in season in the spring:
- grapefruit
- kiwi
- lemons
- oranges
- pineapple
- rhubarb
- tangerines
- asparagus
- mushrooms
- potatoes
- leek
- spinach
- onions
- new potatoes
- cauliflower
- watercress
The following produce is in season in the summer:
- garlic
- carrots
- zucchini
- apricots
- bell peppers
- beets
- avocado
- blueberries
- tomatoes
- watermelon
- radishes
- arugula
Fruits and vegetables in season in the fall:
- cabbage
- apples
- brussels sprouts
- broccoli
- bananas
- kiwi
- kale
- pears
- sweet potatoes
- turnips
- pineapples
Produce in season in the winter:
- grapefruit
- celery
- lemons
- limes
- oranges
- parsnips
- collard greens
- rutabaga
- swiss chard
By purchasing your produce in season and locally, if possible, you will see significant savings on your grocery bill and you will benefit from eating tastier, healthier food!
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