How to Get Your Child Ready to Go Back to School-5 Foolproof Tips

If you live with children that attend school, they will be heading back soon. Here are five organizing tips to get your child ready to go back to school. These organizing tips will help ease the transition for you and the kids!

back to school

5 Tips to Get Your Child Ready to Go Back to School

  1. Begin getting everyone back on a sleep schedule. Have everyone go to bed and get up the same time each day to reset their internal clocks so they won’t be tired those first few weeks. Here are some additional tips to get your family organized in 3 easy steps.
  2. Begin planning their lunches if they will be bringing them to school. Purchase needed supplies such as a thermos, sandwich containers, lunchboxes, utensils, napkins, etc. Sit with them and plan the lunches they would like to take. Create a weekly grocery list based on these items so you will always have them on hand.
  3. Select a space in your home for backpacks, coats, shoes, and papers from school. If everyone knows where to place their items when they come in, they’ll be less likely to just drop them on the floor.
  4. Decide how you want to store and keep track of papers from school. One option would be to purchase an inexpensive file box and create folders to hold weekly newsletters from the teachers, graded papers, artwork, informational papers from the school, and progress reports/report cards. Ideally, you could store a year’s worth of papers for two children in one file box. At the end of each marking period, purge the items from the folders and discard what you don’t need. There’s a company called Artkive that allows you to take pictures of your child’s artwork and then create a keepsake. This is a great way to save and display your favorite pieces!
  5. Set up a homework station in an area where the child will not be distracted. If they are young and need your help with homework, keep them close by, but keep distractions to a minimum. Have a container nearby that holds all of their needed supplies (pencils, crayons, markers, erasers, pencil sharpener, calculator, etc.) so they don’t need to get up every time they need something.

That’s It!

If you have any questions about how to get your child ready to go back to school, let me know in the comments. I’m here to help! 🙂

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